
The main objective of this paper is to propose a simple, low cost, reliable and scalable architecture for building Smart Home Systems (SHSs) that can be used to remotely automate and control home appliances, using microcontroller. The proposed architecture aims to take advantage of emerging technologies to make it easier to develop Smart Home systems and to provide more management by expanding its capabilities suitably. The suggested design intends to make it easier and more convenient for many applications to access context data, as well as providing a new schematic guide for creating as complete and comprehensive Smart Home Systems and data processing as possible. Related topics like smart homes and their intelligent systems will be addressed by examining prior work and proposing the authors' opinions in order to suggest the new architecture. The proposed advanced architecture's building blocks include Classic Smart Homes, Internet of Things (IoT), Context-awareness (CA), Cloud Computing (CC), and Rule-based Event Processing Systems (RbEPS). Finally, the proposed architecture is validated and evaluated by constructing a smart home system.

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