
Hyper spectral image are used in various applications such as geological systems, geo sciences and astronomy. These images are acquired using remote sensing. Remote sensing is the process of getting information about an object without making any physical contact with the object. Satellite Images referred as hyper spectral images are the most used images in remote sensing and are of more interest to find out the classification of objects in those images. The classification can give us the important factors like vegetation, buildings, roads and more. Satellite images can be of assistance in supervision of effects due to natural disasters, to recognize mining areas which are hidden from human view, biodiversity examination, rural and urban environment detection for analysis, etc. However, occasionally the Satellite images acquired can be affected by unforeseen distortions, artificial unwanted structures called artifacts that are formed by the tool itself or sometimes due to the diverse pre-processing procedures involved. Optimization algorithms in combination with Image processing methods are used to classify the objects in satellite images for easy perception and analysis. In this paper, various optimization techniques like particle swarm optimization (PSO), DPSO, HSO, and Proposed MFA optimization algorithms are compared to obtain optimal classification of objects in a satellite image.

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