
It has been often noted as a problem that as there are no objective and clear criteria for the repair cost estimate of persistent defects, when a claim arises in relation to an apartment construction, significantly different amounts of compensation may be given for similar defects based on the experience and tendencies of the construction experts asked to make a judgment. For this reason, this research aims to present defect managers with a more reasonable and objective estimation criteria and a system to determine the repair cost of defects based on an analysis of relevant factors. The research findings show that the historical cost system is applied first, and then a standard of estimation is used to estimate the cost for the items that are not included in the historical cost system. The criteria for the repair cost for each defect is as follows: the repair cost for defects arising from a regulation violation is determined by calculating the reconstruction cost of the parts in question after demolishing them; the repair cost for progressive defects is determined based on a contribution ratio proportional to the age of the building; the repair cost for repetitive defects is calculated by considering an alternative to maximize the intended function of the defective parts; and the repair cost for value depreciation defects is determined based on the ratio of the warranty period to the lapsed years. However, repair cost estimation for dual value depreciation defects should be studied in future research.

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