
A coupling of advanced reactors with high-capacity energy storage and other innovative non–nuclear energy technologies is a way to increase the flexibility and utilisation factor of the future nuclear systems and to diversify its energy outputs. In this paper, the basic layout of a hybrid system for a gas-cooled fast reactor is proposed. The system is composed of a high-temperature thermal energy storage unit coupled with a supercritical CO2 conversion cycle and both low-temperature and high-temperature hydrogen production and utilization. As a reference GFR reactor, the ALLEGRO concept is considered. The paper describes state-of-the-art and overviews potentially applicable technologies. Selection and justification of concepts of the individual parts of the hybrid system including operational conditions is also given. The R&D needs necessary for the potential implementation of the system are identified and the activities ongoing in the Czech Republic and especially in Centrum Výzkumu Řež are also described.

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