
Abstract We propose a novel ac electro-magnetic wave guide for cold neutral atoms in an Ioffe tube, which is based on the interaction of a magnetic dipole moment of a guided atom with both an ac quadrupole magnetic field in the transverse direction and a dc-bias magnetic field along the guiding axis. The time-averaged magnetic potential and force for the guided atoms in the magnetic guiding tube are calculated. The results show that the potential is high enough to collect and guide nearly all cold atoms from a standard magneto-optical trap with a temperature of ∼120 μK. We also estimate the atomic losses from collisions with background thermal atoms, quantum tunneling and spin-flip transitions in the guiding process. Our study indicates that a cold and dense atomic beam with a guiding efficiency of ∼92% and a beam intensity of about 10 11 atoms/cm 2 /s can be output from the magnetic guide tube, and the guiding scheme proposed here could be used to manipulate spin-polarized cold atoms.

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