
This study examined prognostic indicators for violence recidivism among male domestic abuse perpetrators (N = 95). Seventeen hypothesized prognostic indicators were selected from baseline self-report and collateral partner report data to assess aggression history, psychoactive substance use, severity of relationship abuse problems, and current demographic factors. A total prognostic index, labeled the Partner Abuse Prognostic Scale (PAPS), predicted outcome variables derived from both victim report and criminal justice data and provided unique prediction relative to a pretreatment continuous measure of relationship violence. No moderator effects in prediction were observed across two distinct types of group treatment. Psychological aggression was the only pretreatment variable that consistently added significant prediction of recidivism beyond the PAPS. The PAPS is recommended for research uses involving statistical control or balancing of conditions in studies of partner violence interventions. Further research will be needed to establish cutoffs for clinical case management and treatment planning.

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