
Sex hormones regulate the reproductive cycle through brain-pituitary axis, but the molecular mechanism is still enigmatic. In the reproductive season, the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris possesses a semilunar periodicity spawning rhythm, which coincides with the semilunar periodicity variations in 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, the precursor of 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP), a sexual progestin in teleosts. In the present study, we investigated in vitro the brain transcriptional differences between DHP-treated tissues and control groups using RNA-seq. Differential expression analysis revealed that 2700 genes significantly differentially expressed, including 1532 up-regulated and 1168 down-regulated genes. The majority of prostaglandin pathway-related genes were dramatically up-regulated, especially the prostaglandin receptor 6 (ptger6). Tissue distribution analysis revealed that ptger6 gene was ubiquitously expressed. In situ hybridization results showed that ptger6, nuclear progestin receptor (pgr), and DHP-induced c-fos mRNA were co-expressed in the ventral telencephalic area, the ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalic area, the anterior part of parvocellular preoptic nucleus, the magnocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus, the ventral zone of periventricular hypothalamus, the anterior tubercular nucleus, the periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum, and the torus longitudinalis. DHP significantly enhanced promoter activities of ptger6 via Pgr. Together, this study suggested that DHP regulates the prostaglandin pathway in the neuroendocrine system of teleost fish.

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