
Let \(H_n(t)\) denote the classical Rogers–Szegő polynomial, and let \(\tilde{H}_n(t_1, \ldots ,\) \( t_l)\) denote the homogeneous Rogers–Szegő polynomial in \(l\) variables, with indeterminate \(q\). There is a classical product formula for \(H_k(t)H_n(t)\) as a sum of Rogers–Szegő polynomials with coefficients being polynomials in \(q\). We generalize this to a product formula for the multivariate homogeneous polynomials \(\tilde{H}_n(t_1, \ldots , t_l)\). The coefficients given in the product formula are polynomials in \(q\) which are defined recursively, and we find closed formulas for several interesting cases. We then reinterpret the product formula in terms of symmetric function theory, where these coefficients become structure constants.

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