
A network is a collection of two or more computer systems which connected with each other. It is type of replace of information to communicate with one another. It is an association or set up of computer devices which are involved with the communication facilities. When number of computer is connected simultaneously to exchange information they form networks and contribute to resources. Networking is used to distribute information like data communication. Sharing resources can be software type or hardware types. It is central administration system or supports these types of system [1]. The communications protocols used to organize network traffic, with the network's size, its topology and its organizational intent. A network can be wired network and wireless network. Wired network is that which used wires for communicate with each other’s and wireless network is that which communicate without the use of wires through a medium. In this paper we will discuss the method to detect and Isolation of Selective Packet Drop Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Other aspects of the paper are: To study and evaluate the selective packet drop attack in MANET and its consequences.  To detect the selective packet drop in MANET using AODV protocol.  To propose a new scheme to detect malicious node in the network which are responsible for triggering the selective packet drop attack in the network.  Simulating the detection of selective packet drop attack using AODV protocol in MANET using NS-2 tool.

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