
Primary reflections in seismic records are often obscured by coherent noise making processing and interpretation difficult. Trapped water modes, surface waves, scattered waves, air waves, and tube waves to name a few, must be removed early in the processing sequence to optimize subsequent processing and imaging. We have developed a noise canceling algorithm that effectively removes many of the commonly encountered noise trains in seismic data. All currently available techniques for coherent noise attenuation suffer from limitations that introduce unacceptable signal distortions and artifacts. Also, most of those techniques impose the dual stringent requirements of equal and fine spatial sampling in the field acquisition of seismic data. Our technique takes advantage of characteristics usually found in coherent noise such as being localized in time, highly aliased, nondispersive (or only mildly so), and exhibit a variety of moveout patterns across the seismic records. When coherent noise is localized in time, a window much like a surgical mute is drawn around the noise. The algorithm derives an estimate of the noise in the window, automatically correcting for amplitude and phase differences, and adaptively subtracts this noise from the window of data. This signal estimate is then placed back in the record. In a model and a land data example, the algorithm removes noise more effectively with less signal distortion than does f-k filtering or velocity notch filtering. Downgoing energy in a vertical seismic profile (VSP) with irregular receiver spacing is also removed.

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