
AbstractHere we take advantage of the signal recovery power of Compressive Sensing (CS) to significantly reduce the computational complexity brought by the high-dimension image data, then an effective and efficient low-dimensional subspace representation of the object is computing by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to a collection of object observations which are low-dimensional vectors derived from CS. An incremental PCA algorithm is used to update this subspace model for characterizing the object appearance changes. Meanwhile, two distances derived from Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA): distance from feature space (DFFS) and distance in feature space (DIFS), are used to describe visual similarity between the learned subspace representation model and candidate targets. Comparing with the traditional used reconstruction error, the sum of two distances: DFFS + DIFS, is more accurate and more robust to noises and partial occlusions. Numerous experiment demonstrate that subspace representation model can handle the situation that target objects experience pose changes, scale changes, significant illumination variation, partial occlusions and so on.Keywordsobject trackingPPCAsubspace representation modelparticle filterdynamic modelobservation modelCompressive Sensing (CS)

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