
Denial of Service (DOS) attacks are a major threat faced by all types of networks. The effect of DOS in a delay tolerant network (DTN) is even more aggravated due to the scarcity of resources. Perpetrators of DOS attacks in DTN-like environments look beyond the objective of rendering a target node useless. The aim of an attacker is to cause a network-wide degradation of resources, service and performance. This can easily be achieved by exhausting node or link resources and partitioning the network. In this paper we seek to provide a proactive approach in making the DTN authentication process robust against DOS. Our aim is to make security protocols which provide mandatory DTN security services resilient to DOS attacks. The overall objective is to make it hard to launch a DOS attack and ensure the availability of DTN services. A DTN-cookie mechanism has been proposed to quickly identify and filter out illegitimate traffic.

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