
Psychiatric emergency is stress induced pathogenic response that physically endangers the affected individual or others that significantly disrupts the functional equilibrium of the individual or his/her environment and it requires immediate intervention. Therefore experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of problem based learning on knowledge and decision making abilities regarding psychiatric emergencies. Objectives: 1. To assess and evaluate the level of knowledge and decision-making abilities of students regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of problem-based learning on management of psychiatric emergencies. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of problem-based learning on management of psychiatric emergencies 4. Find out the association between the mean pretest knowledge score and decision-making abilities of b.sc 4th year nursing students regarding management of psychiatric emergencies and selected socio demographic variables (age, sex, practical experience). Methods: Quantitative research approach was used. Tool used in the study was structured knowledge questionnaire and decision-making checklist. It has three sections: section A: socio demographic profile which had 3 items. Section B: knowledge questionnaire it contains 25 multiple choice questions. Section C decision making checklist it contains 20 items. Problem based learning was used as interventional module. The study was conducted in Nightingale institute of nursing, Noida on 50 students of b.sc 4th year selected by using convenience sampling technique. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: shows that there was significant difference between mean post test scores and pretest scores of b.sc 4th year students in knowledge and decision-making abilities as obtained unpaired ‘z’ value for knowledge (26.78) was higher than the tabulated value (1.96) at 0.05 level of significance and ‘z’ value for decision making abilities (38.57) was higher than the tabulated value (1.96) at 0.05 level of significance. The chi square with Yates correction test value showed that there was no significant association between post test score of B.sc 4th year students after receiving the problem based learning with demographic variables as ‘p’ value obtained is greater than at 0.05 level of significance. The conclusion of the study revealed that problem-based learning was effective in improving the knowledge and decision-making abilities of students regarding management of psychiatric emergencies.

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