
Some members of Korea Veritas Doctors of COVID-19 analyzed COVID-19 vaccines samples, blood samples, urine samples, foot bath samples, sitz bath samples, and skin extract samples from COVID-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects. Among the objects analyzed were self-assembling micro-sized particles, probable Graphene Oxide (GO), and strands of micro-sized materials of diverse structures (probably small GO particles). Intermittently self-vibrating objects (probable GO particles) in the blood of the injected were presented. Slowly moving synthetic parasite-like objects in the blood of the injected and another object of a water ski-like fast moving object in the foot bath water were also presented. COVID-19 vaccines were known to contain programmable mRNA, GO and synthetic parasite-like objects. The effect of these materials in the blood is a widespread damage to everything inside the body including multiple organs. Those damaging effects are linked to endotheliitis, mitochondrial damage, microthrombosis, myocarditis, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), human DNA changes and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), prion disease and dementia, infertility and depopulation, Vaccine Aided Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS), reprogramming of innate immunity, cancer, RNA Replicons (i.e., replicating spike proteins forever as far as the host lives), and shedding by vaccinated people. Moreover, these materials may cause Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT), and cytokine storms which is claimed to be typical COVID-19 symptoms. It can be easily argued that there is no other reason for the presence of these main components of COVID-19 vaccines including programmable mRNA, GO, and synthetic parasite-like objects, but to produce slow and painful death in people and to depopulate the world. Considering the hazardous effects of those GOs and other synthetic materials in the human body, human beings need to be detoxified from those hazardous materials and those extracted structures came out of human body need to be carefully treated and detoxified.

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