
A preliminary survey conducted in Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Bambesi Woreda from late January to early February, 2010 resulted in finding two groups of the same taxon of patas monkeys. Each of the two groups had one adult male, and one of them consisted of 33 individuals, where as the other had a total of 23 individuals including the adult males, adult and sub-adult females and infants. The survey was conducted on foot and by a vehicle and behavioural data were collected using adlibtum method. From the structure of the two groups and the season during which they probably had their newborns, they belong to the species Erythrocebus patas which are also found elsewhere. However, the long black fur coloration along the shoulder, back and upper fore limbs of the males is different from any of the four different subspecies, namely, E. patas patas, E. patas villiersi, E. patas pyrrhonotus and E. patas baumstarki, and others found in Athi plains, southeast of Nairobi and east of the rift valley, which have pink faces and a blue nasal spot and not given subspecific names. Thus, it is reasonable to think of the Benishangul patas as subspecies, as they are distinct from the other subspecies.

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