
Field work on Svartenhuk Halvø in connection with the 1:100 000 map was started in 1980 and a preIiminary description of the basalts is reported here. This work is a continuation of the mapping further south on Ubekendt Ejland (1:100 000 map sheet Igdlorssuit 71 V. 1 Syd, Larsen, in press). A brief summary of the basalts from Svartenhuk Halvø is given by Clarke & Pedersen (1976). The present work is concerned with the oIivine-rich basalts of the lower formation in which flow directions were deduced from foreset bedding in the hyaloclastites (cf. Fuller, 1931) and inclination of pipe amygdales in pahoehoe lava flows (cf. Du Toit, 1907; Waters, 1960; Schmincke, 1967). The aim was to locate the palaeoslope and source areas.


  • Field work on Svartenhuk Halvø in connection with the l: 100 000 map was started in 1980 and a preIiminary description of the basalts is reported here

  • Feeder dykes whieh go into pillow breceia facies arc presenl in the hyaloclaslites north of Kangiussap ima, as well as in Ihe brown hyaloclastitc at Oordlortoq

  • The direct ion af deflection along the flow bases was measured by compass at a distance of approxirnatcly l m in order to reduce magnetic deviations imposed from the lava. which were slight and insignificant in relation ro the spread in flow dircclions

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Field work on Svartenhuk Halvø in connection with the l: 100 000 map was started in 1980 and a preIiminary description of the basalts is reported here. Within the graben area of eastern Svartenhuk Halvø Thc carliest hyaloclastitcs are intcrbcdded with shalcs wllieh occasionally contain transported plant n:mains, whereas interbeddcd lava flows occur higher in tbc sequence especiaIly to the sou!h·easL Thc lava llows uf the lower formations are ctominated by olivine porphyritic and microporphyritic basalts af the compound pahoehoe type formed by many 0.2-3 IH thick lava tongucs rcaching total thicknesses af more than [00 m.

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