
A day care is a childcare center where care is provided by adults who are not their parents. Day care workers should have adequate knowledge regarding the care of young children. The study aimed to assess the knowledge and practice regarding care of young children in day care centers. Quantitative descriptive research approach was adopted for the study with one group pre-test post-test pre-experimental research design. The study included 30 day care workers working in a day care centre of New Delhi, using purposive sampling. Structured knowledge questionnaire and observation checklists were used for data collection and data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that before administration of basic training programmes, 18 (60%) of day care workers had average knowledge scores, 9 (30%) had good knowledge scores and 3 (10%) of day care workers had poor knowledge regarding care of young children. After the administration of the basic training programme, 30 (100%) were having good knowledge. It can be concluded that participants ranked highest (I) in knowledge score of Prevention of infections knowledge’ followed by rank II of ‘Growth and development of child’, rank III of ‘Nutrition for a child’, rank IV ‘Personal hygiene’, rank V of ‘Safety and security’ followed by rank VI - ‘Qualities of personnel in day care center’. In terms of practice before administration of basic training programme 23 (77%) of study subjects had average practice scores, 4 (13%) had good practice scores and 3 (10%) of day care workers had poor practice scores regarding care of young children. After the administration of the basic training programme, 27(90%) were having good practice and 3 (10%) were having average practice. There was no significant association found between the knowledge and practice score with demographic variables of day care workers.

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