
This structural model study was constructed and verified a hypothetical model to examine the effects of parenting stress, social resources, family resources, and positive coping on resilience among mothers of children with developmental disabilities. Data were collected using self-report structured questionnaires, from October 19 to October 30, 2018, with 214 mothers caring for children with developmental disabilities under the age of 20 years. In the fitness test results of the hypothesis model, with the fit index χ² (p) = 69.27 (< .001), and the normed fit indices (χ² = 1.87, GFI = .94, CFI = .97, NFI = .93, and TLI = .95, RMSEA = .06, SRMR = .06), this study satisfies the good fitness in standards. There are seven statistically significant paths among the 10 paths set in the hypothetical model. The explanatory power of parenting stress and social resources, which affects the family resources was 41.4%, the explanatory power of parenting stress, social resources, and family resources affecting the positive coping was 58.9%, and the explanatory power of parenting stress, social resources, family resources, and positive coping affecting resilience was 55.5%. Positive coping, family resources, and social resources of mothers of children with developmental disabilities directly affect their resilience, and parenting stress indirectly affects it. Therefore, to improve the resilience of mothers of children with developmental disabilities, it is necessary to develop a systematic nursing intervention that considers parenting stress, social resources, family resources, and positive coping.

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