
Approximate Matrix Multiplication (AMM) has emerged as a useful and computationally inexpensive substitute for actual multiplication of large matrices. Randomized as well as deterministic solutions to AMM were provided in the past. The latest work provides a deterministic algorithm that solves AMM more accurately than the other works. It is a streaming algorithm that is both fast and accurate. But, it is less robust to noise and is also liable to have less than optimal performance in the presence of concept drift in the input matrices. We propose an algorithm that is more accurate, robust to noise, invariant to concept drift in the data, while having almost the same running time as the state-of-the-art algorithm. We also prove that theoretical guarantees exist for the proposed algorithm. An empirical performance improvement of up to 90% is obtained over the previous algorithm. We also propose a general framework for parallelizing the proposed algorithm. The two parallelized versions of the algorithm achieve up to 1.9x and 3.6x speedups over the original version of the proposed algorithm.

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