
“OF writing many books there is no end” can be truly said of chemistry, but need not be said with a sigh. Whether the author aspires to say something new and useful, or tries tosmooth the rough road for the anxious candidate, or merely writes to supply a want felt more by himself than the reader, the appearance of so much new literature, whatever its character, implies a widespread activity in practical teaching. A Practical Chemistry Note-book for Matriculation and Army Candidates. By S. E. Brown. Pp. v + 56. (London: Methuen and Co., n.d.) Price 1s. 6d. net. Chemistry Note-books. Sections i.–iv. By E. J. Sumner. (Burnley: Cooper Printing Co., Ltd., n.d. Privately printed.) Section i., 6d.; section ii., 9d. sections iii. and iv., 1s. each, net. The Science of Common Life. By J. B. Coppock. Pp. vi + 273. (London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., Ltd., 1906.) Price 3s. 6d. Practical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry. By Dr. F. M. Perkin. Pp. vii + 155. (London: Archibald Constable and Co., Ltd., 1906.) Price 2s. 6d. net. Chemical Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative. By Drs. W. Briggs Dr. R. W. Stewart. Fourth edition, revised by H. W. Bausor. Pp. xii + 200. (London: University Tutorial Press, Ltd., W. B. Clive, 1906.) Methods of Organic Analysis. By Dr. H. C. Sherman. Pp. xii + 245. (New York: The Macmillan Co.; London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1905.) Price 7s. 6d. net.

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