
AbstractIt is still common to neglect the spatial error correlations of assimilated observations in numerical weather prediction systems because no practical approach is available to account for them when the number of observations with correlated error is large or when these observations are non‐uniformly distributed. Instead, it is common practice to inflate observation error variances to avoid overfitting large scales and spatially thin observations to reduce error correlations between remaining observations, although both methods generally sacrifice small‐scale information. Inspired by previous work on assimilating the difference between adjacent observations (so‐called spatial difference observations), this study aims at combining direct observations with spatial difference observations in the assimilation to extract both large‐ and smaller‐scale information from observations with spatially correlated errors, while still neglecting these error correlations. Experiments performed in a simplified 1D context over a periodic domain show that the combined approach is numerically equivalent to directly assimilating observations available at every grid point using non‐diagonal observation error covariances based on a first‐order autoregressive correlation function. In a case where observation error correlations have a different structure (e.g. Gaussian), the true observation error correlations are not perfectly taken into account by the combined approach, but it still efficiently extracts information to correct the scales that have the most errors. Combining direct observations with spatial difference observations proves complementary and experimental results show lower analysis errors for both large and intermediate scales. More specifically, while neglecting spatial observation error correlations, the combined approach provides results with lower analysis error than the direct approach, especially when spatial error correlations are large and when direct observations are spatially thinned.

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