
A wide variety of Hardware Trojan countermeasures have been developed, but less work has been done to determine which are optimal for any given design. To address this, we consider not only metrics related to the performance of the countermeasure, but also the likely action of an adversary given their goals. Trojans are inserted by an adversary to accomplish an end, so these goals must be considered and quantified in order to predict these actions. The model presented here builds upon a security economic approach that models the adversary and defender motives and goals in the context of empirically derived countermeasure efficacy metrics. The approach supports formation of a two-player strategic game to determine optimal strategy selection for both adversary and defender. A game may be played in a variety of contexts, including consideration of the entire design lifecycle or only a step in product development. As a demonstration of the practicality of this approach, we present an experiment that derives efficacy metrics from a set of countermeasures (defender strategies) when tested against a taxonomy of Trojans (adversary strategies). We further present a software framework, GameRunner, that automates not only the solution to the game but also mathematical and graphical exploration of “what if” scenarios in the context of the game. GameRunner can also issue “prescriptions,” a set of commands that allows the defender to automate the application of the optimal defender strategy to their circuit of concern. Finally, we include a discussion of ongoing work to include additional software tools, a more advanced experimental framework, and the application of irrationality models to account for players who make subrational decisions.


  • Reasoning about hardware Trojan horse (HTH) detection strategies requires considering a more complex set of influences than those treated in traditional circuit verification practice

  • The transformative quantifiable assurance approach introduced in this paper provides the following contributions: 1. The introduction of security economic models that incorporate the efficacy of FPGATrojan detection methods and the incentives of both the adversary and defender in hardware Trojan encounters

  • An expert would make use of GameRunner to produce prescriptions and more simplified software would be available to users to select the appropriate prescription without the requirement of understanding the game theory behind the software

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Reasoning about hardware Trojan horse (HTH) detection strategies requires considering a more complex set of influences than those treated in traditional circuit verification practice. In addition to traditional concerns about the coverage, a verification method might accomplish with respect to some defect, the relationship between the creator of the Trojan (the adversary) and the developer of Trojan detection methods (the defender) is governed by strategies, incentives, and creativity. While an undetected defect (e.g., a manufacturing flaw or an implementation bug) being searched for by a traditional verification method may cause outcomes as grave as those caused by an HTH, there is no guiding intelligence making rational choices about how to optimally produce those outcomes. Questions of detection approach optimality collapse into an overall circuit coverage metric. The introduction of security economic models that incorporate the efficacy of FPGATrojan detection methods and the incentives of both the adversary and defender in hardware Trojan encounters. The introduction of a simple two-person strategic game theoretic model that leverages the aforementioned security economic models and the Nash equilibrium solution concept

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