
Traditionally, power system balancing operations consist of three consecutive control techniques, namely security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC), security constrained economic dispatch (SCED), and automatic generation control (AGC). Each of these have their corresponding type of operating reserves. Similarly, energy storage systems (ESS) may be integrated as energy, load following, or regulation resources. A review of the existing literature shows that most ESS integration studies are focused on a single control function. In contrast, recent work on renewable energy integration has employed the concept of enterprise control where the multiple layers of balancing operations have been integrated into a single model to capture and potentially control the interactions between timescales. This paper now uses such an enterprise control model to demonstrate the multiple timescale effects as a consequence of ESS integration into a single control action. It also proposes a novel scheduling technique which beneficially exploits this coupling in two timescales. As a result, the ESS scheduling technique shows peak-loading shaving and operating costs reductions in the SCUC and load following reserve requirements in the SCED.

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