
The role assigned to women in history has long been controversial, and the controversy remains to this day. Feminist artists have accompanied several waves of feminism and have been fighting for more equal rights in art for feminist art. Although after several waves of feminism, the status of female artists in the art world has increased significantly. However, there are some female artists who divide themselves from feminist art. Such behavior has brought discontent to many feminist strugglers. Tracey Emin, one of the most controversial artists in British contemporary art, has not escaped the attention of feminist critics. In this study, feminist art historical theories are used to analyze the reasons for Tracey Emin's controversy. This study also looks at Emin's history with feminism, as well as her individualist, populist, and conservative tendencies, which are the key reasons for feminist critics' critique. This way of exploration is intended to better help people to view the artist's artwork rationally and from a different perspective, rather than to deepen prejudices against the artist.

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