
This paper studies the large-eddy simulation of anisothermal low Mach number turbulent channel flows. We consider the large-eddy simulations of the low Mach number equations in two formulations, the velocity formulation and the Favre formulation. In both formulations, we investigate the subgrid-scale modeling of the two most significant subgrid terms of the filtered low Mach number equations: the momentum convection subgrid term and the density-velocity correlation subgrid term. To this end, the predictions of large-eddy simulations implementing the models are compared to filtered direct numerical simulations. We address several types of subgrid-scale models: functional eddy-viscosity or eddy-diffusivity models, structural models, tensorial models, and dynamic versions of these models. For the momentum convection subgrid term, we recommend the use of the scale-similarity model and the constant-parameter or dynamic tensorial anisotropic minimum-dissipation (AMD) model. For the density-velocity correlation subgrid term, several models are able to improve temperature-related statistics, for instance, the AMD model and the scale-similarity model. More accurate results are obtained with the Favre formulation than with the velocity formulation.

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