
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia is a type of neurodegenerative disease, refers to a distinct arrival and certainly functional and mental decline which is linked with age which eventually leads to death. This current study was to demonstrate the role of pulegone against Glypican-1 for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease through an in-silico approach. Methods: All the information and studies were gleaned from molecular docking. With the use of docking software, Docking was implemented between the target protein GPC1 (PDB ID: 4YWT) and the entire ligands. We preferred GPC1 (PDB ID: 4YWT) as a target protein and several natural compounds such as Rosmarinic acid, Allo ocimene, and Pulegone as ligands. When the preparation of protein is done, in PyRx software we introduced the entire ligand for the process of virtual screening. As reported by the result of PyRx and Lipinski’s Rule of Five, the finest compound against GPC1 with its smallest amount of binding energy was Pulegone. Results: For the procedure of molecular docking between the receptor protein GPC1 (PDB ID: 4YWT) and Pulegone a software called AutoDock Vina was used. The outcome showed 9 poses with distinct binding energy, RMSD LB (Root means square deviation Lower Bound), RMSD UB (Root mean square deviation Upper Bound). Through PyMol (an open-access tool for the visualization of the molecule), the interaction amidst Pulegone and GPC1 can be visualized. Conclusion: The merely compound which can restrain the activity of GPC1 (PDB ID: 4YWT) was Pulegone, based on the in-silico approach. Therefore in the advanced studies, Pulegone can be a capable medicine acquired from natural sources for dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.

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