
A method of analysing the data of high energy jet showers in nuclear emulsions is proposed. We discuss the possibilities to ruduce the nucleon-nucleon collisions to pion-nucleon interactions. If we use the experimental data on n--p collision at 5 Gev as the pion-nucleon interaction, we can estimate the energy and angular distribution of emitted pions in ~ather low energy jet showers C:::; 100 Gev) and the obtained results fairly agree with the experiments. As to the high energy jet showers C:2; 100 Gev) we can conclude that almost all of collisions are regarded as peripheral ones and that the properties of the pion-nucleon interaction reduced from the nucleon-nucleon collision are similar to those of the pion-nucleon interaction actually observed. It is also suggested that the nucleon has a core whose radius is about a nucleon Compton wave length. In the last few years, experimental data on the multiple production of the particles in the nucleon-nucleon collisions have been accumulated in the high energy region. However, we have only a few pieces of information on the properties of elementary interaction because of the complication of the phenomena. We should, instead of directly comparing the predictions of specific theories with experiments, rearrange empirical data so as to get some clues to understanding the mechanism of high energy collisions. Thus, it is desirable in investigating the high energy interactions between two nucleons to establish a method for the analysis of these data. 1 ) has proposed a method of the analysis by introducing the concept of impact parameter into the nuclear collision. He assigned this impact parameter to each event and classified the experimental data by using this pa­ rameter. In this sense, his method gives a possibility to separate the head-on col­ lisions from the peripheral ones in experiments. Several authors2) have attempted to analyse the peripheral collisions separating

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