
A polynomial threshold function (PTF) of degree d is a boolean function of the form f=sgn(p), where p is a degree-d polynomial, and sgn is the sign function. The main result of the paper is an almost optimal bound on the probability that a random restriction of a PTF is not close to a constant function, where a boolean function g is called δ-close to constant if, for some ve{1,-1}, we have g(x)=v for all but at most δ fraction of inputs. We show for every PTF f of degree d≥ 1, and parameters 0r≤ 1/16, that Pr∾ Rr [fρ is not δ-close to constant] ≤ √ #183;(logr-1· logδ-1)O(d2), where ρ ∾ Rr is a random restriction leaving each variable, independently, free with probability r, and otherwise assigning it 1 or -1 uniformly at random. In fact, we show a more general result for random block restrictions: given an arbitrary partitioning of input variables into m blocks, a random block restriction picks a uniformly random block lE [m] and assigns 1 or -1, uniformly at random, to all variable outside the chosen block l. We prove the Block Restriction Lemma saying that a PTF f of degree d becomes δ-close to constant when hit with a random block restriction, except with probability at most m-1/2 #183; (logm#183; logδ-1)O(d2). As an application of our Restriction Lemma, we prove lower bounds against constant-depth circuits with PTF gates of any degree 1≤ d≪ √logn/loglogn, generalizing the recent bounds against constant-depth circuits with linear threshold gates (LTF gates) proved by Kane and Williams (STOC, 2016) and Chen, Santhanam, and Srinivasan (CCC, 2016). In particular, we show that there is an n-variate boolean function Fn E P such that every depth-2 circuit with PTF gates of degree d≥ 1 that computes Fn must have at least (n3/2+1/d)#183; (logn)-O(d2) wires. For constant depths greater than 2, we also show average-case lower bounds for such circuits with super-linear number of wires. These are the first super-linear bounds on the number of wires for circuits with PTF gates. We also give short proofs of the optimal-exponent average sensitivity bound for degree-d PTFs due to Kane (Computational Complexity, 2014), and the Littlewood-Offord type anticoncentration bound for degree-d multilinear polynomials due to Meka, Nguyen, and Vu (Theory of Computing, 2016). Finally, we give derandomized versions of our Block Restriction Lemma and Littlewood-Offord type anticoncentration bounds, using a pseudorandom generator for PTFs due to Meka and Zuckerman (SICOMP, 2013).

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