
Large-scale polynomial eigenvalue problems can be solved by Krylov methods operating on an equivalent linear eigenproblem (linearization) of size $$d\cdot n$$, where d is the polynomial degree and n is the problem size, or by projection methods that keep the computation in the n-dimensional space. Jacobi–Davidson belongs to the latter class of methods, and, since it is a preconditioned eigensolver, it may be competitive in cases where explicitly computing a matrix factorization is exceedingly expensive. However, a fully fledged implementation of polynomial Jacobi–Davidson has to consider several issues, including deflation to compute more than one eigenpair, use of non-monomial bases for the case of large degree polynomials, and handling of complex eigenvalues when computing in real arithmetic. We discuss these aspects and present computational results of a parallel implementation in the SLEPc library.

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