
. For example, the changes in the 1930s that led to the modernization of the Brazilian state and promoted industrialization and economic growth came as a response to the challenge raised by the “Age of Catastrophe”, of great wars, revolu-tion, and economic crisis. Fifty years later, Brazil’s re-democratization marked a new historical turn-ing point, inseparable from the world’s geopoliti-cal and economic transformation that began with the crisis and redefinition of United States foreign policy and included the reaffirmation of the dol-lar, deregulation of international finances, and the arms race that culminated in the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the Cold War.Brazil’s social policy also underwent reconfigu-ration and change in the 1930s and 1980s. The rise of Getulio Vargas to power in 1930 launched an important phase in the expansion of social rights in the country, while urban wage-earning classes gained greater weight in the political and econom-ic scenario. In the 1980s, the


  • Key turning points in Brazil’s history have resulted from decisions made in times of great crisis and national and international challenges, as highlighted by Fiori 1

  • Brazil’s re-democratization marked a new historical turning point, inseparable from the world’s geopolitical and economic transformation that began with the crisis and redefinition of United States foreign policy and included the reaffirmation of the dollar, deregulation of international finances, and the arms race that culminated in the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the Cold War

  • In the 1980s, the Federal Constitution of 1988 marked a turning point in the country’s social protection system, at least in relation to the prevailing legislation, since it guaranteed a broad range of social rights while establishing the concept of social security as a comprehensive set of measures aimed at ensuring rights related to pensions, social assistance, and universal coverage of care

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Key turning points in Brazil’s history have resulted from decisions made in times of great crisis and national and international challenges, as highlighted by Fiori 1. Viana Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo.

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