
This study was conducted to determine a suitable medium for in vitro germination of Alopecurus myosuroides pollen and to develop a reliable test for the rapid screening of ACCase target site‐resistant plants within populations. The assay is based upon germination of pollen in a medium supplemented with ACCase inhibitors. A 0.25% agar medium, containing 200 mg L–1 CaNO3, 100 mg L–1 H3BO3, 200 g L–1 sucrose, was selected as a suitable medium for in vitro pollen germination. At 25 °C, this medium supported a mean germination rate of 85% within two hours. Plants highly resistant (Rh) to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP), owing to the expression of an insensitive ACCase, were found to express this resistance in their pollen. In contrast, plants moderately resistant (Rm) to APP herbicides, owing to an enhanced capacity to detoxify herbicides, did not exhibit this resistance in their pollen. Concentrations of 120 μM fenoxaprop and 1000 μM clodinafop were selected as the best for reliable discrimination of the target‐site‐resistant biotypes. At these concentrations there was more than 50% germination of the Rh pollen grains whereas less than 10% of the S and Rm pollen grains germinated. This test, using haploid material, may also permit distinction between homozygous‐ and heterozygous‐resistant individuals.

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