
The inactivation of pollen by soft X-ray irradiation and subsequent artificial pollination are time-intensive practices used in the production of seedless watermelon s ( Citrullus lanatus L.). Watermelon generally has a lot of staminate flowers; however, they only have a small amount of pollen. Watermelon pollen cannot be used in pollination under the present situation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine which is the most effective pollen extender medium for cultivation of watermelon with soft X-ray irradiated pollen. In this experiment, ‘Agar,’ ‘Marriage powder,’ and ‘Sekishoshi’ ( Lycopodium dyed red with safflower pigment) were used as extender media with soft X-ray irradiated pollen at equal or twice the weight of the pollen. When ‘Sekishoshi’ was used as an extender medium, fruit set was very low. A lot of deformed fruit was produced when agar was used with the pollen. On the other hand, when ‘Marriage powder’ was used in equal proportions with the pollen, fruit set was about 70% and, moreover, Brix was high. Thus, the mixture of ‘Marriage powder’ with an equal amount of pollen was the best for use in actual cultivation. We conclude, then, that soft X-ray irradiated pollen in an extender medium can be effectively adapted for producing seedless watermelons.

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