
We have analyzed the nucleotide sequence of complementary and genomic DNAs of the human androgen receptor (AR) gene in two siblings (patients 9006 and 9030) with receptor-positive complete androgen insensitivity (Rec(+)-CAI). Northern analysis indicated that mRNA of the AR was normal in size. However, its expression was relatively reduced in both patients. Consistent with the normal androgen-binding capacity (496 and 552 fmol/mg DNA for patients 9006 and 9030, respectively) but decreased DNA-binding ability (168 fmol/mg DNA) measured in genital skin fibroblasts, no mutation was found in both N-terminal and ligand-binding domains of the AR. However, a single base substitution (G-->A) was found in the second zinc finger of the DNA-binding domain at nucleotide 2372 of the AR cDNA in both cases. This resulted in the replacement of a highly conserved arginine residue (amino acid 614) by a histidine. When the mutated receptor plasmid was cotransfected into PC-3 cells together with the reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity was not induced by 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone treatment, confirming that the mutation renders the AR nonfunctional and can, therefore, be held responsible for the clinical features in these patients. These results highlight the importance of Arginine-614 in the second zinc finger of the DNA-binding domain of the AR in the protein-DNA interaction.

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