
Os/Os signatures (0·134–0·164), which are even more The picritic (MgO >13·5%) lavas of Grenada provide a unique radiogenic than peridotite xenoliths previously measured from mantle opportunity to evaluate the platinum group elements (PGE) and wedges modified by addition of subducted material. Crustal conOs isotope compositions of primitive subduction-generated melts. tamination appears unable to explain all of the Os isotope enrichment Compared with other arc lavas they have undergone very limited and thus elevated Os/Os may reflect the modification of the crustal contamination (> 2%) of sediment and/or slab-derived fluids enriched in range of parental melts can explain all major element variations). radiogenic Os. Despite their primitive nature, the picritic lavas contain very low concentrations of PGE (<0·2 ppb Ir, 1–4 ppb Pd) compared with other high-MgO lavas such as kimberlites, komatiites and plumerelated picrites. This is probably due to a combination of lower

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