
A 2.5 times 1.8 cm2 medical implant communication service band antenna is combined with an electrode for body channel communication. The proposed design enables a body sensor network controller to communicate with health-care devices located on and inside a patient's body. The spiral microstrip antenna with its radiating body and ground plane placed side-by-side has the thickness of 2 mm and can be attached to human skin conveniently. The propagation loss of the body channel is measured when the proposed antenna is used as the skin interface for BCC in the 10-70-MHz band, and the results are compared with the cases of Ag/AgCl and circular dry electrodes. The equivalent-circuit model of the antenna as the electrode is also derived from the measured impedance characteristics. The LC resonance structure to drive the on-body antenna with its capacitance increased due to the skin contact reduces the power consumption of the TX buffer by >50%. TheS 11-parameter of the on-body antenna, its radiation pattern, and the signal loss inside the human body are investigated.

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