
The “Ayurveda” science of life was one of the most valuable gifts our predecessors gave us. It is the natural healing system of India and has been passed down through countless generations without losing any of its unique lusters. Due to its efficiency, it is helping to improve human health in many incurable chronic and degenerative diseases. In Ayurveda treatises and Nighantus there is mention of many drugs, among them Puga (Areca catechu Linn) is one; it is mentioned in Vedas by the name Kramuka. In the karma paribhasha chapter, Sharangadhara cited Kramuka as an example of the vikasi guna, due to this it was considered to be Visha samana, after reviewing the various Nighantus, it was found that the vikasi guna, ojonashaka property was only visible in apakva- adrapuga. According to Nighantu Bhavaprakash, Puga should be boiled in "Choughar" to do Sodhana. The pharmacognostic characteristics, physicochemical, and preliminary phytochemical analyses of Asuddha and Suddha Puga were performed in the current study. The rasa of suddha Puga was found to be mild Madhura and Kasaya rasa, and it has a higher alcoholic extraction value than Asuddha Puga. The phytochemical evaluation shows a significant difference between Asuddha and suddha Puga

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