
To explore the clinical strategies for the screening of newborn eye diseases and obtain information concerning the incidence of newborn ocular diseases. Newborns in a baby-friendly nursery were evaluated for mass screening of eye diseases 2 to 7 days after birth (including reaction to light stimulation, external ocular examination and test for pupil red reflex) and those with abnormalities were subjected to diagnostic examination (external ocular examination with a hand-held slit-lamp, pupil red reflex and mydriatic examination). Newborns in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) were subjected to screening 5 to 14 days after birth and then, together with those with high risk factors, received a comprehensive examination for screening and diagnostic purposes. The suspected cases were referred to department of ophthalmology for definite diagnosis. Among the 15,398 (91.65%) newborns who were enrolled the screening program, 12 different eye diseases (involving 1266 cases) were detected, with a prevalence of 8.22%. Of these eye diseases, 7 were congenital ocular diseases, involving 809 cases (5. 254%) and including congenital ptosis in 2 cases (0.013%), congenital corneal opacity in 6 cases (0.039%), persistent pupillary membrane in 724 cases (4.702%), congenital cataract in 15 cases (0.097%), persistent hyaloid artery in 54 cases (0.351%), obstruction of nasolacrimal duct in 7 cases (0.046%) and lacrimal gland prolapse in 1 cases (0.007%). Five different diseases (457 cases, 2. 968%) detected were acquired in nature, including neonatal conjunctivitis in 391 case (2.539%), vitreous hemorrhage in 6 cases (0.039%), retinal hemorrhage in 34 cases (0.221%), and neonatal dacryocystitis in 23 cases (0.149%). Of 27 premature babies with body weight lower than 1500 g, 3 had retinopathy of prematurity (ROP, 6 eyes involved). Early intervention is of great importance for the prevention and treatment of neonatal ocular diseases. The screening of newborn ocular diseases is not only feasible but also effective in the monitoring and control of the eye diseases in neonates.

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