
Abstract This paper describes the modernization of the pilot-scale rolling facilities for state-of-the-art research and development of rolling processes and rolled materials at the Physical Metallurgy Research Laboratories, CANMET. The overall modernization comprises systems for automatic acquisition of rolling mill performance data and automatic control of mill operation, and ancillary facilities for controlled reheating prior to rolling and controlled cooling and phase-transformation monitoring during or following completion of rolling.Extensive application of the pilot-scale mill in process and material development, and in fundamental studies of rolling mechanics and deformation, is outlined. The major effort focusses on research of thermomechanical processing of steel for use in the structural, energy, marine and transportation fields. Resume Cet article decrit la modernisation d'installations de laminage a l'echelle pilote afin d'effectuer des recherches courantes, de developper des procedes de lamin...

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