
For safety reasons, it is important to simulate precisely the kinetic behavior of light water nuclear reactors (LWR) in nominal or incidental situations. In the point kinetic approximation, a few integral parameters allow describing the reactor’s behavior. It is of interest to measure those parameters, such as the delayed neutron fraction and delayed neutron abundances, in low power research reactors loaded with benchmarked fuel configurations to compare with simulations results. In this context, Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) and Centrum Výzkumu Řež (CVŘ) have been collaborating towards measuring the delayed neutron fraction of LR-0, a VVER-type research reactor operated by CVŘ. This paper presents the first estimation of the delayed neutron fraction of the reactor loaded with six fuel assemblies, arranged in a small hexagonal lattice with a center cavity accessible for instrumentation. This configuration was chosen because it was very close to the so-called reference configuration with seven fuel assemblies, the one that was benchmarked in the NEA IRPheP Handbook. The measurement was performed in July 2021 using the CEA-developed acquisition system SPECTRON dedicated to pile noise experiments. Pile noise refer to a set of techniques which focus on the correlations induced by the fission process in the signals of neutron detectors. The experimental campaign was designed to meet two objectives: first to provide an estimation of the delayed neutron fraction; second to study the impact of the location of the neutron detectors on the quality of the results. Two fission chambers were used, one was fixed and located in the core center and the second was placed in various locations in the reflector. Several configurations were tested with the mobile detector progressively moved up to 20 cm from the closest fuel element. The reactor fission rate was obtained thanks to gamma spectrometry on metal foils (gold, nickel and iron). Simulations with TRIPOLI-4® and JEFF33 libraries were performed to convert the saturated activities into fission rates. The delayed neutron fraction was estimated at 782 ± 10 pcm and the generation time was measured at 39.1 ± 0.5 μs. The uncertainty balance is as follows: 2 % associated to the Diven factor and 1.5 % associated to the core’s integral fission rate and 0.5% for the statistical uncertainty. The reproducibility of the experiments was found very good, with a negligible dispersion amongst experiments (0.2 %). These results are valuable complements to the characterization of LR-0 reference neutron benchmark field.

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