
This paper proposes an algorithm for solving multivariate regression and classification problems using piecewise linear predictors over a polyhedral partition of the feature space. The resulting algorithm that we call PARC (Piecewise Affine Regression and Classification) alternates between (<i>i</i>) solving ridge regression problems for numeric targets, softmax regression problems for categorical targets, and either softmax regression or cluster centroid computation for piecewise linear separation, and (<i>ii</i>) assigning the training points to different clusters on the basis of a criterion that balances prediction accuracy and piecewise-linear separability. We prove that PARC is a block-coordinate descent algorithm that minimizes a suitably constructed objective function and that it converges in a finite number of steps. The algorithm is used to learn hybrid numerical/categorical (HYNC) dynamical models from data that contain real and discrete labeled values. The resulting model has a piecewise linear structure that is particularly useful to formulate model predictive control problems and solve them by mixed-integer programming. A Python implementation of PARC is available at <uri>http://cse.lab.imtlucca.it/~bemporad/parc</uri>.

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