
A phytosociological survey was carried out to assess the varied weed flora and diversity in rice fields of Chidambaram block, Tamil Nadu, India. Chidambaram lies in low land habitat and the climate is subtropical. An average annual rainfall varies between 1200 to 1500 mm. The study has been done during 2020, Navarai season to determine the weed flora, species composition, density, frequency and important value index (IVI). To project the types of weed sps that are mainly affected the low land rice ecosystems. A total of 4 sedges, 3 grasses, 8 broad leaved weeds and 1 aquatic weed were detected. Sedges are most prominent weed flora found in the rice fields of Chidambaram block. The findings indicated that Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa colonum are the most abundant weeds in rice field followed by Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa crusgalli, Leptonchloa chinensis, Eclipta alba and Sphenoclea zelyancia.

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