
Chromosome 4, the smallest autosome ( approximately 5 Mb in length) in Drosophila melanogaster contains two major regions. The centromeric domain ( approximately 4 Mb) is heterochromatic and consists primarily of short, satellite repeats. The remaining approximately 1.2 Mb, which constitutes the banded region (101E-102F) on salivary gland polytene chromosomes and contains the identified genes, is the region mapped in this study. Chromosome walking was hindered by the abundance of moderately repeated sequences dispersed along the chromosome, so we used many entry points to recover overlapping cosmid and BAC clones. In situ hybridization of probes from the two ends of the map to polytene chromosomes confirmed that the cloned region had spanned the 101E-102F interval. Our BAC clones comprised three contigs; one gap was positioned distally in 102EF and the other was located proximally at 102B. Twenty-three genes, representing about half of our revised estimate of the total number of genes on chromosome 4, were positioned on the BAC contigs. A minimal tiling set of the clones we have mapped will facilitate both the assembly of the DNA sequence of the chromosome and a functional analysis of its genes.

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