
The genus Stantonia Ashmead, 1904 is revised and an identification key for all the available described species is provided. Phylogenetic analyses including and excluding colour characters are presented and the results of various constrained analyses used to assess statistically the need for taxonomic changes. These tests lead to the recognition that Bentonia van Achterberg, 1992, is a derived group within Stantonia and the two genera are accordingly synonymized. The status of both Eleonoria Braet and van Achterberg, 2000 and of Orgilonia van Achterberg, 1987, as valid genera is also questionable but as they were not consistently recovered as subgroups within Stantonia and excluding them does not lead to trees that are significantly longer than trees in which they appear derived within Stantonia, they are not being synonymized here. Sulorgilus van Achterberg is transferred from the Orgilini to the Mimagathidini. Twenty-eight species are described as new. Stantonia pallida (Ashmead, 1894) is a new combination for Orgilus pallidus Ashmead, 1904. Stantonia kriegeri Enderlein, 1905 and S. lamprosemae Muesebeck, 1938 are recognized as new junior synonyms of S. pallida. The type-species of S. sumatrana Enderlein, 1908 (Sumatra), S. hammersteini Enderlein, 1908 (Madagascar), S. rufithoraxEnderlein, (1918) 1920 (Colombia), S. proceraEnderlein, (1918) 1920 (Sumatra), S. minuta Enderlein, 1908 (Peru), S. agroterae Nixon, 1950 (India), are at least partly redescribed. Females of S. procera and S. spasskensis Belokobylskij, 1993 are described for the first time. S. katiae nom. n. is proposed in place of B. scutellaris van Achterberg, 1992. New host or distribution data are given for several species.

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