
Smart grids of the future will create and provide huge data volumes, which are subject to FAIR data management solutions when used within the scientific domain and for operation. FAIR digital objects (FDO) provide access to (meta)data, and ontologies explicitly describe metadata as well as application data objects and domains. The present paper proposes a novel approach to integrate FAIR digital objects and ontologies as metadata models in order to support data access for energy researchers, energy research applications, operational applications and energy information systems. As the first example domain to be modeled using an ontology and to get integrated with FAIR digital objects, a photovoltaic system model is selected. For the given purpose, a discussion of existing energy ontologies shows the necessity to develop a new PV ontology. By integration of FDOs, this new PV ontology is introduced in the present paper. Furthermore, the concept of FDOs is integrated with the PV ontology in such a way that it allows for generalization. By this, the present paper contributes to a sustainable data management for smart grid operation, especially for interoperability, by using ontologies and hence unambiguous semantics.

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