
An apparatus was developed that was found suitable for measuring gingival color in terms of reflectance at 6328 A. A total of 445 readings were taken on 95 Caucasian subjects in order to determine certain properties of healthy gingival color. It was determined that: 1. Healthy adult gingival color ranged in reflectance from 17% to 45% of the magnesium oxide standard, with a mean of 32%. 2. Gingival color of children was lighter than that of adults. The reflectance of children's gingiva ranged from 31% to 43%, with a mean of 35%. 3. Gingival color did not vary with the sex of the individual. 4. Gingival color was lighter in individuals with blonde hair than in individuals with brown hair. 5. Gingival color was darker in individuals with darker eye color. 6. Gingival color was lighter in individuals with geographic origins that are commonly related to lighter complexions. 7. Gingival color did not vary with age, within the adult range covered in this study. 8. Gingival color did not vary with the following physiological and physical factors: menstrual period, use of oral contraceptives, smoking habits, moistness or dryness of the gingiva, which side was measured, time of day, or time after toothbrushing, smoking a cigarette, eating an apple, or drinking a hot beverage.

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