
We present here a method to estimate physical parameters of novae systems using an extensive grid of photoionization models for novae. We use the photoionization code CLOUDY to construct grid of models covering a wide range of different parameters, e.g. total hydrogen density ($n_H$), source temperature ($T_{BB}$) and luminosity ($L$), inner radius ($R_{in}$) and thickness of ejecta ($\Delta R$), keeping other elements at solar metallicity. In this way, a total of 1792 models have been generated. From the model generated spectra which cover a wide wavelength region from ultra-violet to infrared, we calculate ratios of hydrogen and helium emission lines fluxes which are generally strong in novae spectra. We show that physical parameters associated with novae system could be estimated by comparing these line ratios with those obtained from observed spectra. We elaborate the idea with examples and estimate the parameter values in case of few other novae. The results of the grid model are available online.

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