
The hot Jupiter WASP-12b is a heavily irradiated exoplanet in a short period orbit around a G0-star with twice the metallicity of the Sun. A recent thermochemical equilibrium analysis based on Spitzer and ground-based infrared observations suggests that the presence of $\ch4$ in its atmosphere and the lack of $\h2o$ features can only be explained if the carbon-to-oxygen ratio in the planet's atmosphere is much greater than the solar ratio ($\ctoo = 0.54$). Here, we use a 1-D photochemical model to study the effect of disequilibrium chemistry on the observed abundances of $\h2o, \com, \co2$ and $\ch4$ in the WASP-12b atmosphere. We consider two cases: one with solar $\ctoo$ and another with $\ctoo = 1.08$. The solar case predicts that $\h2o$ and $\com$ are more abundant than $\co2$ and $\ch4$, as expected, whereas the high $\ctoo$ model shows that $\com$, C$_{2}$H$_{2}$ and HCN are more abundant. This indicates that the extra carbon from the high $\ctoo$ model is in hydrocarbon species. $\h2o$ photolysis is the dominant disequilibrium mechanism that alters the chemistry at higher altitudes in the solar $\ctoo$ case, whereas photodissociation of C$_{2}$H$_{2}$ and HCN is significant in the super-solar case. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that $\c2h2$ is the major absorber in the atmosphere of WASP-12b and the absorption features detected near 1.6 and 8 micron may be arising from C$_{2}$H$_{2}$ rather than $\ch4$. The Hubble Space Telescope's WFC3 can resolve this discrepancy, as $\c2h2$ has absorption between $1.51 - 1.54$ microns, while $\ch4$ does not.

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