
Highly toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), crucial in inducing apoptosis and ferroptosis, are pivotal for cell death pathways in cancer therapy. However, the effectiveness of ROS-related tumor therapy is impeded by the limited intracellular ROS and substrates, coupled with the presence of abundant ROS scavengers like glutathione (GSH). In this research, we developed acid-responsive, iron-coordinated polymer nanoparticles (PPA/TF) encapsulating a mitochondrial-targeting drug alpha-tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS) for enhanced synergistic tumor treatment. The imidazole grafted micelles exhibit prolonged blood circulation and improve the delivery efficiency of the hydrophobic drug α-TOS. Additionally, PPA's design aids in delivering Fe3+, supplying ample iron ions for chemodynamic therapy (CDT) and ferroptosis through the attachment of imidazole groups to Fe3+. In the tumor's weakly acidic intracellular environment, PPA/TF facilitates pH-responsive drug release. α-TOS specifically targets mitochondria, generating ROS and replenishing those depleted by the Fenton reaction. Moreover, the presence of Fe3+ in PPA/TF amplifies ROS upregulation, promotes GSH depletion, and induces oxidative damage and ferroptosis, effectively inhibiting tumor growth. This research presents an innovative ROS-triggered amplification platform that optimizes CDT and ferroptosis for effective cancer treatment.

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