
Sunscreens are one of the most common ways of providing on-demand additional photoprotection to the skin. Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy has recently proven to be an invaluable tool in understanding how the components of commercial sunscreen products display efficient photoprotection. Important examples of how this technique has unravelled the photodynamics of common components are given in this Perspective, and some of the remaining unanswered questions are discussed.


  • The small portion of the ultraviolet light that has not been absorbed and scattered by the ozone-rich atmosphere of the

  • More than 90% of the vitamin D requirements of the body are met through the UV-B-mediated conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3.6,7 a deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with rickets and skeletal disease, in the early development of bones in children for example.[6,7]

  • Adequate vitamin D has been linked to a reduction in the incident rates of other diseases such as some cancers, for example, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer, as well as some psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.[3,4]

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Complicated set of processes to deal with DNA damage. (i) DNA damage recognition and checkpointing are capable of identifying damage in a cell, which can initiate an appropriate response. (ii) DNA repair mechanisms, which attempt to rectify damage or, in the case when damage cannot be repaired, initiate apoptosis to stop a damaged genome from replicating.[14,15] These mechanisms are not perfect, and cells with these mutations can divide, which can lead to cancer. Methyl salicylate has been suggested to undergo ESIPT after UV photoexcitation in a number of studies over the years, with particular attention on fluorescence properties.[71−80] Herek et al provided ultrafast measurements in the isolated gas-phase, which identified the ESIPT occurring within 60 fs, as well as a longer decay channel of 120 ps.[81] Solution-phase studies would be an important extension given that fluorescence lifetimes show solvent dependence.[80,82] (ii) Octyl salicylate,[83] and (iii) homomethyl salicylate are often used in sunscreen products, but the literature on their relaxation mechanism remains sparse.[84]. His research is centred on understanding photoprotection and photoactivation mechanisms in biologically related molecules using both gasand solution-phase pump−probe spectroscopies

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