
The concepts of multicultural education focus on several general pedagogical principles: education of human dignity and high moral qualities; education for coexistence with social groups of different races, religions, ethnic groups, etc.; education of readiness for cooperation; recognition of mutual responsibility for the positive nature of interethnic and intercultural communication.Based on the analysis, the article considers different views of researchers on this concept. The author gives his own opinion on the significance of individualized education in the polycultural environment. The author stresses that when defining the concept of multicultural education, world pedagogy proceeds from the fact that it means, firstly, the recognition of social, political and economic realities of culturally diverse and complex human interaction and, secondly, the importance of taking into account in the educational process cultural, racial, gender, religious factors. As in other multinational communities, in Ukraine one of the main pedagogical goals can be defined as the education of people capable of effective life in a multicultural environment, with a heightened sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with representatives of different nationalities, races, beliefs. From this goal, the Ukrainian teachers follow the tasks of education and training: mastering the culture of one's own people; education of cultural pluralism, a positive attitude towards cultural differences; creation of pedagogical conditions for the integration of cultures; development of behavioral communication skills of carriers of different subcultures; education in the spirit of peace and cooperation. The article stresses that the purpose of multicultural education should be a person with broad views and broad multicultural orientation, someone who can give meaning to individual national and cultural identity, and someone who will appreciate other peoples’ cultural varieties and their achievements.

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